Flickers at Fabrica
In October and November 2011 I was artist in residence for the duration of Melanie Manchot's 'Gathering' exhibition at Fabrica. Part of the residency was to reflect on the fundamental ideas of my practice - have they changed ? are they relevant ? what now ? and to look at the practical process of making Flickers. The residency included a talk at Fabrica and a practical insight into the making of Flickers: Under the Water for White Night 2011.
Best bits were the chats with Jonathan Swain from Fabrica and learning to work in a more participatory way, specifically the night walks and flick book making workshops. I loved the moving-image pieces produced by Fabrica volunteers.
The blog from my time at Fabrica is here.
Best bits were the chats with Jonathan Swain from Fabrica and learning to work in a more participatory way, specifically the night walks and flick book making workshops. I loved the moving-image pieces produced by Fabrica volunteers.
The blog from my time at Fabrica is here.